If you receive an error when answering your secret questions and are unable to proceed after following the steps provided below, please contact our Member Experience Team for assistance.
If your AQHA membership is not current, you can access your secret question information by:
- Filling in areas with a red asterisk.
- Expand sections by using the + on the right of each section.
- This will also be a place to update existing contact info and your secret questions found in the AQHA database.
Note: You want your secret questions and answers to be memorable to you, but hard for anyone else to guess.
- Enter your Account Access info, which allows you to associate AQHA ID numbers to your profile for access to business transactions.
Note: If you associate more than one AQHA ID number to your account, you can select a default ID for your login.
- To associate an ID, click the Add option. A field will appear below the grid for you to enter the ID number. Select “Next.” Secret questions will come up. Once you have supplied the correct answers, select “Apply.”
- If one or more of the answers are incorrect or not on file within AQHA’s database (such as SSN or Date of Birth), you will receive a red error at the top of the page because the answers provided for the secret questions do not match our records. The error will need to be corrected to continue linking the ID number.
- But if answers are correct, the information will load in the Account Access grid. You can continue to add ID’s and answer security questions as needed and set the appropriate primary ID number.
Note: Make sure you click Save once you have associated all accounts. If you receive an error when answering your secret questions and are unable to proceed, please contact our Member Experience Team for assistance.